
Swift Console is a Graphic User Interface (GUI) program that provides visual representation of what is happening inside Swift Navigation GNSS receivers. Console displays information and enables the user to adjust the hardware settings.  

Console runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux platforms, as presented in the following sections.

Download and Install Swift Console

Proceed to the subsection featuring your platform below to download and install Swift Console.


Follow the procedure below to install Swift Console on a Windows platform.

  1. Download the Swift Console Installer for Windows.

  2. Run the installer.  

    The Swift Console Setup dialog box opens.

  3. Click Next.

    The dialog box warns you that to proceed, the Installer will automatically uninstall any previous versions of Swift Console.

  4. Click Next.

    The dialog box presents where it will install Swift Console.  By default this location is C:\Program Files\Swift Navigation\Swift Console\.

  5. If desired, click Browse and select a new Swift Console installation location.

  6. Click Next.

    The dialog box installs the Swift Console, and displays "Completed" once finished.

  7. Click Next.

    The dialog box declares that the installation has completed. Leave the "Run Swift Console" checkbox checked if you want to run Swift Console on closing, or uncheck it otherwise.

  8. Click Finish.

The installation is complete, and if the optional checkbox is active, Swift Console starts.  After installation, Swift Console can be launched by double-clicking the icon on the desktop.


Follow the procedure below to download and install Swift Console on a macOS platform.

  1. Download the Swift Console Installer for macOS.

  2. Open the downloaded disk image file.

  3. Drag the Swift Console application into your Applications folder. 

The installation is complete.  After installation, Swift Console is launched by double-clicking the icon where you dragged it into your Applications folder.


The following subsections present installing the Swift Console using the .deb Installer (Console v4.0 and newer) and using the .tar Swift Console binary distribution (older Console versions).

Installing on Linux OS Using the .deb Installation Executable

Follow the procedure below to download and install Swift Console using the .deb file.

  1. Download the .deb Swift Console installer.

  2. Double-click the file.

  3. Ubuntu opens the swift-console dialog box.

  4. Click Install.

    The Authenticate window opens.

  5. Enter the password in the field and click Authenticate.

The installation is complete. After installation, Swift Console is launched by double-clicking the icon in the application folder.

Installing Legacy Console versions on Linux OS Using the .tar Binary Distribution

Follow the procedure below to download and install Swift Console on a Linux OS platform using the .tar file.

  1. Download the desired Linux .tar binary distribution of the Swift Console.

  2. Extract the tar file to a location where the current user has read/write permissions:
    tar xvfz swift_console_v4.0.8_linux.tar.gz

  3. Adjust the permissions on the serial device so it can be accessed from the user space. A convenient script ships with Swift Console that adds a udev rule, so that all users in the “plugdev” group have access to Swift devices.

  4. Enter the following commands to use the script to configure your serial port:
    cd swift_console_v4.0.8_linux
    sudo ./configure_udev_rules.sh

  5. Log out and log back in as your user to make your user’s new “plugdev” group take effect. 
    Your user now has write access to the serial port.

  6. Run the console executable from the directory using the following commands:
    cd swift_console_v4.0.8_linux

The provided binary works on most Intel x86 64 bit Linux distributions and has been tested on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and Ubuntu 20.04. If you are running a different Linux distribution, or want to run the Swift Console from source, follow the instructions in the readme.rst stored in the Swift Navigation Piksi Tools repository.

For Additional Information

To continue working with the Piksi Multi, return to the Piksi Multi Getting Started Guide.