Swift Navigation’s Skylark Cx is a wide-area, cloud-based GNSS corrections service that delivers real-time high-precision positioning to autonomous vehicles. Skylark Cx is now available throughout the continental USA, Europe, South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan. More regions will be supported in the near future. Built from the ground-up for autonomy at scale, Skylark Cx enables lane-level positioning, fast convergence times and high integrity and availability required by mass market automotive and autonomous applications.


  • 10 cm lane-level accuracy*
  • < 20 seconds convergence to sub-meter accuracy
  • Ever-expanding geographic coverage
  • Integrity with PLs down to 1 m and TIR down to 10-7 / hour or better
  • Supports OSR and SSR corrections format
  • Provides corrections for GPS L1/L2/L5, GAL E1/E5b/E5a and BeiDou B1I/B2A/B1C
  • RTCM v3.1 and v3.2 MSM over NTRIP 2 Supported for Compatibility
  • ITRF2020 reference frame (current epoch)

(*) 10 cm 50% accuracy measured over 24 hours stationary. Actual system performance may vary, dependent but not limited to: environmental, receiver and antenna characteristics.

Product Summary

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Frequently Asked Questions

Receiver Configuration for Skylark Cx Operation